Thursday, December 6, 2012

Santa Was Here

We had a wonderful time with Santa this morning. He's such a nice guy!

I have not done a lot of special promotions over the years; because I have never had very many people take me up on any of the offers. I am planning to change that next year, and do something new on the first Thursday of every month. I have been told that it just takes time and consistency to get people used to the idea that you are going to do something each month, to believe that what you do is so much better than everything else out there that it's worth taking you up on your offer, and to watch each month for promotions they want to be a part of.

So, even though we only had a few takers on today's special, I count it a big success. Santa and I are talking about some ways we can help each other with our favorite charities. And we are planning a special Christmas in July or August (maybe both) for people that want to plan ahead and get some really beautiful Christmas presents and cards for next Christmas 2013. Today's photos also gave us some great sample images that we can both use. Here's the first. I'll share some more in the next few days.

By the way, I had created a new wall in the studio with the idea of having something different and outdoorsy, and which I could use with different props to create a workshop for a little boys photo special, a Christmas tree & fireplace for winter portraits and Santa portraits, a cabin kind of look for seniors who like to hunt, etc. Then I saw some images by photographer Larry Hersberger of North Carolina. He's created a whole line of artistic Santa portraits with children. I really like what he's done. I don't want to copy it exactly, but I have to acknowledge his influence on my choice of a workshop look for today's Santa photos.

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