Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Update on Portraits of Hope

So, imagine yourself (if you have not already had the experience) dealing with cancer. There is a lot of stress involved. There is the physical stress of the disease. There is the emotional stress of just hearing the words "cancer" and "malignant." Then there is the emotional stress of dealing with the disease, personally, and for the effect it has on your family & friends, your job, your lifestyle. There is the physical stress of treatment. And, frankly, there is the spiritual stress of dealing with your own mortality and coming to grips with your faith, or lack thereof, and how that plays into the experience.

Stress is not just emotional. Stress in one area of our human nature - body, soul or spirit - puts stress on each of the others. Conversely, relieving that stress helps with the healing. Being at peace spiritually helps with the emotional and physical stress. Finding emotional release helps with the spiritual and physical healing. Getting physical comfort and nurture helps not only heal the body, but the spirit, mind and emotions.

That is the idea behind alternative treatments like massage therapy and acupuncture. Many cancer centers are beginning to offer these services. The Stephenson Cancer Center now offers massage therapy as a prescribed treatment for many of their clients. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover this treatment, and many patients cannot afford it.

According to a March 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal, massage therapy has been proven to boost immune function in women with breast cancer. The benefits go far beyond just a general feeling of wellness or relaxation. A single massage ranging from 15 to 45 minutes lowers cortisol, a stress hormone, in the blood; decreases cytokine proteins related to inflammation and allergic reactions; boosts white blood cells that fight infection; and lowers the heart rate and blood pressure.

Portraits of Hope is still in the works. We have had more delays and setbacks than I could ever have imagined setting out. When a reporter for the Mustang Times interviewed me awhile back, he asked me what it would mean to me to see this project completed. I had not thought about it that way before. I choked up, tears came to my eyes, and I said, "It would mean the world to me."

As the project has evolved over the past couple of years it has gone from a general project for "cancer research" to addressing this specific need. In working with the Stephenson Cancer Center, it was decided that the funds we raise will go to their patient services department. Initially, we thought we might be able to buy them a massage therapy table, but that has already been done. That is when they discovered the financial need for so many of their patients. Our goal is to raise $6,000 to start &/or contribute toward a fund to help pay for this treatment for patients who cannot afford it. We need your help. Contribute if you can. Help get your company to make a tax-deductible donation* or contribute as an advertising expense**. Small companies or large corporations, does not matter - please talk to them, show them this article, or even better, call me and tell me the contact person to whom I would need to speak. You can reach me at 405-392-3929.

*Our 501(c)(3) application is on file with the IRS and is making its way through the bureaucracy. 
**Contributing businesses will be recognized in the promotion of the photographic display we are creating, and on the display itself as it tours area businesses. This will be a lot of positive, high-traffic publicity. So a business could write it off as an advertising expense rather than a charitable donation if they prefer.

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