Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Bunnies Are Here!

We're getting a couple of bunnies to spend a few weeks with us and help us with "Bunny Sessions" at the studio. They'll be here until Easter weekend - March 22. Much thanks to Pet Lovers Pet Store in Mustang for helping us with the bunnies and the supplies to take care of them while they're here. Please check out Pet Lovers for your pet needs. They've got all kinds of pets and the supplies for them, from fish to reptiles, to rodents, to rabbits, to kittens. (With all the super stores around with various specialties, it's getting hard to find individually owned stores of any kind anymore. When you find one, support them. Owners of "mom & pop" stores are usually very passionate about what they do, and very knowledgeable. You won't find that in the super stores or discount stores! But, I digress.) Visit Pet Lovers; I think you'll like it. They are about to relocate to a larger store on Hwy 152, just west of Mustang Rd.

We are offering $25 children's sessions while the bunnies are here - that's half off our regular children's session price. We will create some beautiful children's portraits, and finish the session with some portraits with the bunnies. We're offering a special package of 1 8x10, 2 5x7s and 8 wallets for just $149, and all our regular portrait collections are 20% off on any children's sessions photographed by March 22. Orders must be placed by April 18, 2008.

If you would like more information about specials for children, families or high school seniors, call us at 392-3929, or use the contact form on our website: