Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ballerina Babies, part two

Here are some more of the ballerina baby images:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We had a lot of fun with our "Ballerina Babies" today. Here are a few of Rick's favorites. I'm hoping to get a few more posted in the next few days. The response was good and we appreciate everyone who participated!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Great day for outdoor portraits!! Cloud cover was perfect, wind wasn't too strong (that's saying a lot for Oklahoma, huh?), and it wasn't too cold. Did indoor photos for Lauren a few days ago, and finished up this morning with outdoors on location. We got some beautiful images both days, and I'm getting them ready for Lauren & her mom to view next week.

I've been updating our websites and going through images that would be good to add to the site, and noticed several families who had come to us for portraits because they had dealt with cancer and realized how precious relationships with family really are. Being a cancer survivor myself, it really made me want to act on something that's been on my mind for several months. So, yesterday I went to the American Cancer Society in OKCity to talk with them about how I could help. They liked some of the ideas I presented, and we'll be talking more in the next few days about a fundraiser project that hopefully we can tie in with Relay for Life.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ultimate Senior Portraits

Great news!! Our new senior website is online! Ultimate Senior Portraits is the new division of Carr Portrait Art that we created to help better promote our senior photography services. Since seniors represent a significant percentage of our business we decided to devote a whole website just to seniors!

If you visit our Carr Portrait Art website ( the links for seniors now go directly to the website! The "contact" and "directions" links take you back to Carr Portrait Art.

The new site has all the vital information you need about senior portraits. It has photos, testimonials and video. It is similar to our main website, both of which are UNLIKE almost any other photographer's website. It seems almost any photography site you visit now-days has a flash player slide-show gallery (usually accompanied by obnoxious music which you have to look for the symbol to turn off). Our sites are about informing you - useful information that can help you make wise choices about your photography needs - whether or not you choose us as your photographers!

We will soon also be updating the Carr Portrait Art site. It's almost done! Please check out both sites. You can use the contact form and give us some feedback. Be sure and tell your friends about them, too.