Sunday, May 29, 2011

What do you do if you lost your photos in a storm?

It's one of the first things you hear after a disaster - a fire, tornado, hurricane, flood - "Everything else can be replaced, but we lost all our photos, that's our memories!"

We want to help. If we created portraits for you and they were lost or damaged by the recent storms, call us. We may not be able to replace every image you ordered, you probably gave some away to friends or family anyhow, but our framed wall portraits carry a lifetime guarantee. And that includes disasters! If you also lost some 8x10 and smaller prints that we created, talk with us, and we'll do what we can to help replace some of those as well.

It's one of the things that makes us unique among photographers. A lot of people, including some photographers, think photography is about "taking pictures." Some even think it's a "service" industry - that they can charge a high session fee and give away the images, or sell them dirt cheap, usually on a CD.  Where's that CD, or the computer you saved the images to, if your home is gone. And will that "shoot and burn" photographer (as in shoot the picture and burn it to CD) be willing and able to replace your images?

Photography, to me, is about relationships. The images should be about the relationships in your life. But it's also about the relationship we have with our clients. (I'll be the first to admit, I've not always been as consistent as I need to be with staying in touch with all of our clients, but I do try, and I am getting better.) The fact is, though, that I really do care about our clients. God brought you into our lives, and us into yours, for a purpose. A nice portrait is only part of that purpose.

So, again, if you're home was damaged or destroyed by the recent tornadoes, and if the portraits we created for you were lost or damaged, please give us a call. If you want to wait until your home is repaired/replaced, that's fine.

Also, if we've not done portrait for you before, and you lost all those precious memories that were your family photos, give us a call when you're back in your house (or new house) and let us help you start fresh with a new family portrait. We'll do the session at no charge, and offer a storm discount off your portrait order.

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